Energy is “my bill” – roommate don’t care

The first moment the people I was with and I live together, I thought that the energy bill was a bit high.

It’s constantly interesting to me how people manage to cohabitate without drama, however i understand that at other times in human history, I was completely necessary for people to live in clans. It wasn’t possible to survive on your own, in addition to you actually needed to belong to a tribe in order to survive, but as such, it made sense that people lived together in fairly large group things, and sharing a lake condo was the best option for the sake of staying warm, staying dry, in addition to staying fed. These afternoons, I’m not so sure that the people I was with and I need to cohabitate in the same way. I really wonder if new affectionate relationships should still involve living together 24/7. From what I can tell, there would be a lot less nonsense if all the people just lived on their own, then these afternoons, I’m living with a single roommate in addition to even that is quite difficult. The two of us tried to split everything even so there would be no excessive conflict, but that plan hasn’t worked out. She agreed to spend money for the internet in addition to water bill if I paid for the energy bill. At first, I thought this was a superb deal. Then I realized what an Heating & Air Conditioning addict she is, and unluckyly, my realization of her Heating in addition to Cooling dependency came way too late. The first moment the people I was with and I live together, I thought that the energy bill was a bit high. I asked her if she had been fiddling with the temperature control a lot, in addition to she owned up to changing the air temperature a few times a week. As time went on, the outdoor air only increased in temperature! Her reliance on the central cooling plan also harshly increased, however no matter how several times I asked her to modest her temperature control changes, she doesn’t seem to like how much it costs me. These afternoons, my single utility bill is constantly twice as much as her combined bills.


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