I know how important it is to have pure sunshine. Nearly everyone experiences some kind of depression or anxiety at one time or another. I have been overwhelmed with depression and anxiety ever since I was a young person. The doctor was giving me all kinds of medication to help with the symptoms, but more often they would just increase the feelings. I often found ways to deal with it, on my own. I did get some information from the mental health clinic that I had to go to. They recommended that I go somewhere that offered artificial sunlight therapy. They told me that winter is the hardest time of year for people who are afflicted with depression and/or anxiety. I knew that during the summer air conditioning was able to make me feel better. I thought that if I moved down south, I would have more sunshine than I had here. During the winter, it was always grey and overcast and there wasn’t much chance to get sunlight I moved south and I got a small home of my own. I love the house because it had an air conditioned enclosed patio. I was able to sit on the patio in the air conditioning and enjoy the sunshine as it hit my face. I have to admit that since I move south, my depression and anxiety have been less troublesome. I finally feel better and I have a home of my own that gives me sunshine and air conditioning. I may not have been so manic if I had been born in the south.

All I wanted was an exhaust vent for my garage

Hybrid HVAC system