Landlord refused us heating

My first new home was half of a double wide house.

Our property owner thought that she had the inherent right to come into the lake house whenever she wanted to, without any sort of forewarning.

As newlyweds… We didn’t want to have someone just up and walking in at all times of day as well as evening. We truly wanted our privacy as well as not unwanted company. My wife even put a bolt lock on the door. Our property owner was truly so overly angry when she tried to get into the lake house a single day and failed. I had the bolt on the door because I was taking a bath on my own. She tried to get inside to do an impromptu inspection as well as I already had the door locked. She threatened to kick us out that day for not letting her in, as well as I called the cops because of an attempted burglary on my end. When the cops told him it was a new home invasion, even if she did happen to own the house, our property owner got angry. I had to call again, more than one weeks later, when both of us had a problem with the onboard furnace. The heat wasn’t coming on, even though both of us had the sole control component set at seventy. I called as well as she told me that somehow she already knew. She had turned our heating off because supposedly both of us hadn’t paid the rent. I argued that our rent wasn’t due for another month already as well as she laughed as she said she knew, but it wasn’t paid, so no heat. It wasn’t long before we decided to remove our personal property from the apartment.


heating provider