Wear your heater

My Grandmother used to regularly yell and holler at us for not having a hat on our heads.

She told us often that she would rather see us go out in bare feet during the winter, than to ever go without a hat. I used to just laugh when she said that to me as a teen because I didn’t want to ruin our hair. I couldn’t know that a hat actually would keep you warmer than shoes did. It didn’t take too long for me to figure out that she was right about the heat, when suddenly wearing hats became the fashion. She would always shake her head as well as tell me she told me so. It seems that the human body emits its heating, through the top of the head. By keeping the hat on in the winter, you aren’t allowing the heat to escape as well as it stays in your body netter to keep you warmer. I loved wearing hats after that, especially when they became a fad, as well as I found out about the heating. I doubt that human body heat is the reason why so several kids wear hats this week, but I believe that whenever our kid loses her new hat, she panics. She told me that she felt naked as well as she couldn’t get possibly sizzling without her hat. I teased that when she was little. I told her that there was a built-in furnace in hats. If she didn’t wear her little beanie hat, she couldn’t go out because she would freeze. She still, to this day, often calls her hat her heater. I laugh every time she comes back into the house in the winter, if she forgets her hat. She tells me she forgot to take her furnace.

Air conditioning professional