We had a certain number in mind..

When our spouse and I ultimately decided to install a current Heating plus Air Conditioning unit, we thought we knew what we were expecting.

We had been saving for a long time, and we were certain that we had made our calculations very carefully.

Everything seemed like it should be doable without breaking the bank… but then again, every one of us did not realize the project would be so expensive and encompassing. The greatest problem was the HVAC duct. Our little condo is 55 years old and the HVAC duct is the same age, it turns out. When the Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier saw the HVAC duct in the attic, he commanded that every one of us completely replace everything. It was easily going to cost almost as much to replace the HVAC duct in that place as the entire Heating plus Air Conditioning system. Unfortunately, we knew it was a problem that needed to be fixed. If every one of us did not simply repair and replace all of the HVAC duct, the current energy-efficient Heating plus Air Conditioning units we had waiting for us would be a waste. I walked into the attic with the Heating plus Air Conditioning technician one day, so he could point out all of the complications. When I saw all of the injuries to the air duct, I instantly knew that every one of us needed to make the service happen. I saw a number of small holes and some of the sheet metal was barely hanging on. My spouse and I had saved up 7,000 dollars… so we did not want to spend $14,000 on all of the Heating plus Air Conditioning replacements, however every one of us knew that there was no choice. At least every one of us has a full warranty for the next few years, and I intend to use it. I have not received the first energy bill in the mail yet, however I‘m hopeful every one of us will see some relief.

HVAC tune-up