It was easier just ordering while I was alone

While my partner was away for a month, I was stuck sitting at my home alone.

It was my fault I was alone.

I had planned a more than one-week salmon fishing trip for him & my sons for my husband’s birthday. Since I was the only woman at home, I didn’t feel like cooking. I knew all the local eating establishments would do salads, but I was not willing to drive into town all the time. I was wondering if there was some way I could stay at home & still get all my food ordered online & delivered to me. I knew they had meal delivery services in the big cities, but I didn’t know if they had them in our local area. I called 1 of the smaller eating establishments & they told me they used a meal delivery service. Another eating establishment said they used something I hadn’t even heard of. I felt like someone had just given me a modern lease on life. I could call uncommon fast food stores & get my quarterly service on fast food. I could order salads online or full meals, & I could have it brought right to my door by a meal delivery service. Most of the time, the meal delivery service only asked for a couple of dollars as a tip for the delivery service. I enjoyed those more than one weeks of being on my own. My bank account wasn’t overly pleased because of all the meal delivery service, but I didn’t mind. I got a lot of work done in the house, & I could box up all the trash before my husband got home. He never suspected how much fast food I had delivered to the house.

dinner delivery services