Dogs require more filtration than I knew

I’ve never been what you would call an “animal person.” I don’t know how to explain it, but I”m not really interested in furry things, scaly things, or feathery things. I just like to be a human and surround myself with other humans. Unfortunately, sometimes those other humans have a love for pets that I’m not prepared to deal with. This has certainly been the case with my new partner, who I’m head over heels for… but who loves her dog more than she loves me. There’s no doubt about it, if she had to choose, she would choose the animals in her life before myself. And that might be okay… if she didn’t choose to suffocate me with her animals every time we hung out. You see, I have severe indoor allergies to pretty much any airborne pollutant you could think of. Mold, mildew, dust, and pet hair all cause me to lose my respiratory health in a matter of moments. Soon, my entire system is inflamed and I’m dying for a fresh gulp of air. Unfortunately, my girlfriend doesn’t believe in air filters, air media purifiers, or even cleaning out her air ducts. Instead, she believes in setting the AC system to “low” and letting the pet dander circulate through her central HVAC system day in and day out. As soon as I walk into her home, I can’t breathe. I really want her to consider using HEPA air filters and an indoor air purification system, but she isn’t interested. I even offered to pay for a professional indoor air quality control specialist to analyze the situation and install HVAC equipment, but she just won’t take me up on the offer. I’m beginning to think she doesn’t want me around.


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