Smashing portable air conditioner turns out to be a good thing

I used to have an old portable air conditioner, that I stored in the attic during the colder months.

  • The air conditioner was rather bulky and extremely heavy.

The only options it featured was high and low speed. The unit was also noisy and frequently dripped water onto the carpet. Every spring, I hauled the air conditioner down from the attic. It was a horrible and difficult job, and I usually ended up with sore shoulders and back. Because the equipment was so heavy, I needed to set it on a blanket and drag it across the attic floor. I would then, very carefully, bump it slowly down the attic stairs. Since the stairs are extremely narrow and steep, this process was a challenge. Once I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I would once again slide the cooling unit across the floor on a blanket. The hardest part was attempting to lift the air conditioner into the bedroom window. I’d first get it halfway, onto a chair, and then make one, final push. The air conditioner barely fit into the window, forcing me to push super hard. Last spring, I shoved way too hard and pushed the air conditioner right through the window. I had not realized that the wooden molding of the window was slightly rotted. The air conditioner fell two stories, and smashes onto the paved driveway below. I am very fortunate that it didn’t land on my car. The air conditioner was completely demolished. When I went to the hardware store to purchase a new portable air conditioner, I was surprised by the reasonable pricing. Plus, the newer units are lightweight, compact and offer all sorts of convenient features. I can control my new air conditioner from a cordless remote. I can adjust fan speed, temperature and humidity levels. It’s wonderfully quiet and easy to lift in and out of the window.

Air duct cleaning