My AC biz boomed after trying digital marketing

I never realized the vast array of benefits that would come with using online marketing.

My husband Bob plus I run a local heating and air conditioning business, plus although both of us both run the Heating and A/C dealership, Bob is the one who mainly takes care of it.

I love to devote our time to various other interests. Because of this fact, the Heating and A/C company has been moved to the back burner before, as Bob and I wanted to try other things first. However, when our heating and air conditioning company was getting less plus less clients every year, I grew concerned. One of the things Bob and I have been meaning to try is online marketing. Bob and I knew that digital marketing was very popular nowadays, however since both of us lived in a very small city where almost all the people knew each other, I didn’t guess it mattered for us as much. Positive Word of mouth was just as fantastic here, or at least I thought. Well, Bob convinced me to go with a marketing business, plus with the marketing business, they taught us how to start using Google ads to gain more attention. These ads easily ended up bringing people from outside our city to our dealer. I had never thought of it before, however since our city is in a very rural area, there are plenty of people that haven’t heard of us, plus needed Heating and A/C service. This same marketing company also was a SEO business, plus gave their SEO service. Search engine optimization helped us to get the right keywords for our business, plus now our corporation is thriving.