Bad insulation makes your rooms extra hot

Some people are not very smart, however the dangerous thing is that they don’t even know it, and they guess that they have reasonable intelligence.

  • So they get mad when you correct them on things! Normally I try to be pretty patient, however sporadically I lose my patience, and for this lockdown I have been staying with our brother & his fiance, & it has gone okay.

The fiance is a smart woman, however our brother is not really bright. We do get into fights sporadically, ad then last week both of us had a shouting match because he mistakenly thought there was an issue with the a/c. Every afternoon the front room would begin heating up, to the point where neither of us could even hang out there to watch TV! It really would feel as if someone turned the oil furnace on, however when the sunlight stopped streaming in, things would go back to normal. I tried to explain to him that it was not an issue with the AC unit at all, it was really the insulation in the walls & ceiling, or I should say lack of insulation! When that area of the loft got hit with direct sunlight every afternoon it just started heating up & the a/c could not keep up. Without enough insulation in the walls, the heat transfer would pull the cooling right out, & it would gradually heat up the walls until the sun went down. If we couldn’t get more insulation, then we needed to get more shade on the front of the place instead. Either that or just use the A/C in another room until the sunlight stopped for the day.
Cooling industry