I get nuts about cleaning the house

When my husband leaves on a work trip I am like a frantic squirrel. My husband never leaves the home. He doesn’t like to go places without me. That means I can never get anything done. When my husband is gone, that means it is time to clean. I am able to sweep, vacuum and mop the floors without my husband tracking around in it. I also can wash the linens, ceiling fans and the walls and not have the cleaning products bother his nose. I get the ladder out to clean all the windows, muck out the gutters and go through my husband’s old clothing. The last thing I reward myself with is the HVAC system. My husband doesn’t feel HVAC service is worth it. He refuses to call a HVAC contractor. He thinks our system just magically works amazing and is never dirty. Everytime he leaves the home, our system gets some love and care. I have the HVAC contractor wash, oil and lubricate all moving parts. I even get ductwork cleaning if I am feeling pretty adventurous. Last time I sprung to have an air purifier in our supply ducts. I get that cleaned and serviced as well. The house then is totally clean and fresh for when my husband comes back. I feel good about having a perfectly maintained space. I will say I work so hard that by the time my husband comes back I can hardly keep my eyes open I am so tired. I stay up way too late cleaning the house.

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