Meal delivery helps during injury recovery

I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I strained my trapezius muscle.

I think it was caused by hanging drywall on the ceiling.

For the past three weeks, I have been hurting. I suffer pain across my upper back and all the way down my left arm. It doesn’t seem to be getting much better! There are times when I can’t get comfortable. I can’t manage to stand or sit up. I can only lie down. Because of the pain, I’m getting nothing done. I had to take off work more days than I would like. In addition to that, I missed a big concert I had been really looking forward to. All of my time is now spent lying prone on the couch. I can’t manage the stairs to get to my bed. I only get up to head to the bathroom and fill my water bottle. I don’t feel much like eating. I am not able to cook anything. I did some research online to find out if I could have meals delivered to my door. I don’t want fast food. I’m not in the mood for restaurant food. I came across a local food delivery service but I needed to sign up for a month. I decided to join for the sake of having meals arrive at the door. It is the only way I can access nutritious food. Looking through the menu, I was surprised by the number of options. There is a breakfast, lunch and dinner menu. There are sides such as salads and breads. The variety of entrees ensures something for every preference. I can even order breakfast for dinner. I spent quite some time trying to figure out what I wanted to order. I was looking for foods that I can eat while lying down. I chose lots of pastas. I knew it would be easy to prepare. I don’t have much of an appetite but the meals are flavorful. The local meal delivery service has been really helpful for me during my recovery.



nutrition training plan