The family corporation started going downhill

My Mom had been working in the heating and air conditioning industry forever. When I was young, Mom was just a lowly heating plus contractor. But he wanted to be more than just a lowly Heating and A/C pro, so eventually he plus our mother created their very own heating and air conditioning dealership. Together my folks created a very popular heating plus cooling dealer, plus it proved incredibly popular in our small town. Well, as much as I liked the business, I didn’t easily want to get involved in it, plus so once I was outdated enough, I moved out plus on our own. I was more interested in modern technology. Several years later, our Mom plus I were talking when she mentioned how the corporation hadn’t been doing so well. Mom told me the corporation was not getting nearly the amount of clients it used to, plus our first thought was that he needed to advertise better. I knew that Mom didn’t think anything about digital marketing, plus so that is the first thing I recommended to her. I easily had to explain what online marketing was, because Mom wasn’t sure. I told him about Google ads, pay per click, search engine optimization plus what not. But since Mom seemed confused, I knew he was going to need professional help. I directed Mom towards a digital marketing company that also gave SEO services, plus told Mom he would get the best help there. My solution worked, plus their AC corporation is doing much better now.