The pool supply store needs better air conditions

I have a Summer beach house near the beach, plus within that beach house I have a undoubtedly nice pool in the back.

  • Taking care of that pool is a big task, but can be absolutely handled if I keep up on it.

This is why frequent trips to the pool supply store are in order. I don’t undoubtedly prefer going in there though, because the indoor air quality of the arena is undoubtedly awful. All the chlorine fumes in the air in that arena are insane! I am undoubtedly surprised they haven’t taken action on this awful indoor air quality. I mean seriously, they could get some kind of an air purification plan in there, or something prefer that to assist with cleaning the air from all those nasty fumes! Their a/c is pretty fantastic in there, however even on the hottest mornings, when I walk into the store, the cool a/c is refreshing in terms of the temperature! But that awful indoor air quality has got to go! The last time I was in the arena, I made a comment to the owner about the awful indoor air quality of the arena, she told me that they all were well aware of it, plus that they were undoubtedly looking into some kind of air purification plan or indoor air cleaning solution to the issue. I understand that because of the products they sell, it can’t be avoided, but it can be dulled down a little to where the purchaser wasn’t feeling sick every time they were in there! I can’t imagine how the owner plus the other folks laboring there can even stand it.
a/c professional