Refreshing A/C inside of pet store makes it a comfortable spot for my mom.

My mom just went back to school, and she has a weird place she likes to go to when her classes are done.

A small, local pet shop, to be exact.

I say it’s weird, but she loves it. She loves that she can pet and cuddle with all the adorable kittens and puppies as much as she likes. She also raves that the building has incredible a/c. It’s mainly for the animals, but she is obviously taking advantage of it while she’s there. She told me I should try it sometime because it’s a wonderful place to relax on warm afternoons. She loves being able to walk in from the hot weather outside and being greeted by both the blast of air conditioned air and all the animals in the store. She loves the aisle that has all the fish tanks because it has a cozy little nook where she’ll do some of her homework and enjoy the A/C. The ambiance of the flowing water in the filters creates a very relaxing white noise for her while she does her studies. I’m surprised she isn’t kicked out of the store, but she does like to volunteer there from time to time. So I’m assuming they let her get away with a lot more than most customers. There are a few places on campus she likes to go hang out, like the school library, but it isn’t quite the same as the pet shop. The air conditioner in the library still leaves her feeling stuffy. She thinks it’s because of the amount of people that are there, sucking up all the air. The little pet shop will always be an escape for her.


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