My Dirty Air Filter Inflamed My Allergies:

Normally, my allergies kick into overdrive during the spring.

The excess pollen, dust, and fresh flowers make my nose runny, my eyes watery, and overall congestion.

This year was no exception. I was taking allergy medicine for two weeks before my sinuses cleared up. When my allergies flared up again last month I was concerned. It was the middle of summer, and there’s never any pollen or dust in my area during this time. I went to my local doctor, and she couldn’t figure out what was causing my allergy infection. She prescribed me with antibiotics and I took them daily for ten days. My allergies subsided during the course of antibiotics, but I was congested again after a few days. I didn’t want to do another round of antibiotics, because that didn’t seem to be working anyway. Instead, I started thinking about what was really causing my allergies to flare up. Obviously, something was in the air in my home. I immediately thought about my air conditioning system. Although it was working perfectly fine, I called my HVAC technician and asked if there was a possibility of it causing my allergies to flare. He suggested that I take a look at the air filter and replace it as needed. When I took the old air filter out, it was covered in dust and debri. I couldn’t believe my air was being filtered through a dirty air filter. No wonder my allergies were giving me issues! Once I replaced my air filter, I started feeling more like myself again!

Washable filter