chipmunks got into my air ducts

Living way out here in the country has a lot of perks to it, I won’t lie, however there are also a lot of disadvantages.

I am only speaking for myself here, I guess that a lot of my friends & neighbors know differently, & that is ok.

I happened to grow up in a large town, & decreasing to country life has taken me a little time. I absolutely do like it out here, there are just a few small things that I can’t seem to get used to, but like all the animals, & I don’t mean farm animals I mean pests. Last year a squirrel got into my air ducts, & decided it wanted to live there, and the apartment is old, & all the ducttoil is not only old, however put up in the most complex maze you’ve ever seen. I guess the air ducts had not been installed all at once, however gradually over a series of years, & the results were confusing. I couldn’t even locate the air duct where the squirrel was residing, nonetheless flush it out. Thankfully my country neighbors had experience dealing with unruly varmints getting into the HVAC system, & they had a plan. First I closed off every air vent in the house. After that was done, I turned on the heating system, at which point my neighbor started to pump smoke into the air duct. After about half an hour my apartment reeked of smoke, however the squirrel, & more than one other squirrels I didn’t guess about, all left my apartment for good.

air conditioning