The day I saw two women fight over the HVAC repair guy

In the old movie Rear Window, Jimmy Stewart is homebound with a broken leg, and watching his neighbors with a pair of binoculars.

  • He thinks he sees a murder, and things escalate from there.

If you haven’t seen the movie, you’ve probably seen another movie, show, or story that uses the same set-up. When I was home with a broken leg the last month or so, I started watching my neighbors, hoping to find something interesting. I even had a pair of binoculars, and although I know it’s scummy to spy on people that is exactly what I did. The woman across the street, her name is Jenny, is dating a guy who works as an HVAC technician. He drives a work van, it’s impossible to miss, and he comes by to visit her a couple of times every week in between HVAC jobs. Up the street is another single lady, her name is Dot, and it turns out that she is dating the exact same HVAC tech. Since I have binoculars I can zoom in pretty close, and I read on his HVAC work shirt that the guy’s name is Dale. Either Dale is very confident, or very dumb, because his work van is white with a huge air conditioner painted on the sides, so you can’t miss. It did not take long before the two ladies saw the A/C repair van parked in the other one’s driveway on a regular basis. It didn’t take long before I saw the two woman get into a fistfight over Dale the HVAC tech, and it was glorious.

Space heater