The day I saw 2 gals fight over the Heating & A/C repair guy

In the seasoned film Rear Window, Jimmy Stewart is homebound with a broken leg, and enjoying his neighbors with a pair of binoculars.

He thinks he sees a murder, and things escalate from there, however if you haven’t seen the film, you’ve actually seen another film, show, or story that uses the same set-up.

When I was apartment with a broken leg the Last year or so, I started enjoying our neighbors, hoping to find something interesting. I even had a pair of binoculars, and but I guess it’s scummy to spy on people that is exactly what I did… The woman across the street, her name is Jenny, is dating a guy who works as an Heating & A/C serviceman. He drives a work van, it’s impossible to miss, and he comes by to visit her a couple of times every month in between Heating & A/C jobs, but up the street is another single lady, her name is Dot, and it turns out that she is dating the exact same Heating & A/C tech, however since I have binoculars I can zoom in pretty close, and I read on his Heating & A/C work shirt that the guy’s name is Dale… Either Dale is entirely confident, or entirely dumb, because his work van is white with a immense cooling system painted on the sides, so you can’t miss. It did not take long before the 2 ladies saw the A/C repair van parked in the other 1’s driveway on a official basis. It didn’t take long before I saw the 2 woman get into a fistfight over Dale the Heating & A/C tech, and it was glorious.

Electric heating