We wanted an HVAC system that would last for years

We looked at a small piece of property that was near a creek and we would both be able to enjoy living.

I used to think that it was odd to think about people who never went anywhere within a block of where they were born. I grew up in a small town and I can’t imagine ever wanting to move. Many of those that I grew up with had great aspirations to move on and get to an area that was so far away from where we grew up that they would never look back. I wanted to grow up, go to school, and teach in the high school that I went to. I never looked at the horrible winter conditions as a reason to leave. I enjoyed the winters here and I still do. As long as you have a good HvAC system to keep you warm, then nothing else really matters. You need to make sure the furnace is maintained every year to keep the furnace running properly. My wife and I graduated from the same school and she is only a year younger than I am. Our kids graduated from this school. They now live in outlying areas of our home. Since they are out of the house, we started to look at getting rid of the old house and building a smaller home that would get us through our old age. We looked at a small piece of property that was near a creek and we would both be able to enjoy living. We planned out our home and then our HvAC system. We looked at a couple of traditional furnace units, but we didn’t want to use fossil fuel to heat our home. We chose to have a Geothermal HVAC system installed. We now have an efficient HVAC system that will last for thirty years or more



New air conditioning