Stressed by constant chores

They crank their air conditioning method so high that it feels like they enjoy the North Pole.

Being an adult is so stressful. There’s always something that needs to be done, and there’s consistently something to be paying attention to, whether it’s a major project at work, a hard process cleaning up something at home, or running around the neighborhood to accomplish boring adult errands. I have to say, errands are my least favorite one part of growing up. In fact, I often have to take time off from work just to accomplish my outside duties. Then as if it isn’t stressful and unpleasant enough driving all over the town and missing work, every building seems more uncomfortable than the last. The weather here can’t make up its mind between hot and cold. Around here, the outdoor air temperature is usually around a hundred degrees in the summer. The sun is seriously intense and the humidity is nothing to laugh it. Every single building you walk into is like a winter wonderland. They crank their air conditioning method so high that it feels like they enjoy the North Pole. Every time you walk into a building, you’re instantly slammed with a freezing blast of dry air. But then walking back out towards the car, you are inundated with sun plus thick humid air. You basically have to wash down after every trip into the outdoor sauna, before wandering back into the cold winter weather contained indoors. If it wasn’t unpleasant enough wasting all your time plus regular adult chores, you can consistently look forward to the respiratory illness you’ll probably develop from drastic temperature swings.

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