I’m not venturing out on my own

My wife in addition to myself located a gigantic wasp nest near our outdoor shed.

The very first thing I did was contact the removal service for bees, wasps, in addition to Yellow Jackets. One first question was the size of our Nest. I felt the size was actually large, but the eradication service told us this was an incredibly small wasp nest. Instead of paying the fees, the wasp removal team recommended that the people I was with in addition to myself wait until evening in addition to buy some spray to cover the wasp nest. They gave me a few reassurances like wasps cannot fly at night and they will all be sleeping. Still, those are a lot of risks of being stung that the people I was with in addition to myself did not want to take. The people I was with an addition to myself don’t believe various wasps could live in this small area and it seems like there could be a few dozen. Unfortunately, every single wasp is able to sting more than once. I made an appointment with the WASP exterminator in addition to the fact that he is going to be out here first thing in the morning. I know that some people might have taken care of the problem on their own, but I was definitely not feeling comfortable to spray down the entire wasp nest on my own and try to remove it. I agreed to pay for an exterminator. I can simply Envision all bad things happening in addition to a hospital doctor visit would be much more money than the Exterminator.

Yellow Jacket Extermination