My father met our mother by rear ending her

The story of how our parents met is kind of interesting.

It’s almost prefer it was destiny for them to meet, but who knows.

They were just driving along one day, and the roads were icy and it was snowing. Then our mother stopped swiftly and our father was driving behind her and rear ended her car. He right away hopped out of the car and went to her window to see if she was okay. She said she was fine, and he insisted that he spend money for the disfigures to her vehicle. He didn’t want to get the insurance business involved and he said he would spend money everything in full and even more for her hospital bills. He asked her if she would come to the nearby cafe and have a coffee with him. He said they had some of the best gourmet coffee at this locale and their heating plan was great. He even said they had a gas fireplace in there. She entirely liked him right away and she said sure and so they drove to this locale. They absolutely ended up hitting it off and he had her laughing and he still kept asking her if she was okay. He paid her all the cash for the damage to her vehicle, but he also asked her if he could see her again sometime. They ended up going to that same cafe because they both entirely enjoyed sitting next to the gas fireplace, and the heating plan was perfect just prefer our father said it was. They ended up dating and the rest was history.