Freezing in the office

Not very long ago, I had to go visit our ophthalmologist.

I was dressed for the weather, which was cold in addition to so snowy. Now, I usually don’t mind some cold, as long as it is outside. I have no problem walking in the heavy snow in addition to I like throwing snowballs with our adolescents. It is a completely odd thing when you are in a dentist’s office. The repair crew must have had their fingers in addition to their minds full. There were so many people outside, with snow shovels, because the man who drove the snowplow, was stuck in a snowdrift. A branch had come down in addition to broken a single one of the windows in the office complex in addition to the snow was coming into the window. There were a couple of doctors trying to put sheets up to the window to keep out the snow, however it did very little to keep out the wind in addition to cold. I guess all of the doctors there, in addition to I told a single one it would have been a good morning to call in sick. She told me she had tried that however it didn’t work. I had to laugh with her. The HVAC plan was laboring overtime, in addition to yet it was still freezing inside. They took me back into the only room that was warm enough to work in. That room was furthest away from the broke window, in addition to from the gas furnace. Even though it was the warmest room, it was still so freezing. I had our coat on the entire time I was in the office. My ophthalmologist was shivering the entire time she was examining our eyeah, while apologizing for the lack of heating.
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