Getting the furnace ready before winter

I have ingrained it in myself as a habit to every fall before the winter comes to get my furnace serviced by a HVAC technician at the local heating and cooling business.

When it comes to heating and cooling my seasons are fall and spring.

In the spring I get my air conditioner serviced before the hot summer season. Now with the arrival of fall I want to make sure that my furnace is fully prepared to heat the house and keep me warm throughout the whole winter. I don’t want a mistake like before. Two years ago my oil furnace stopped working right in the middle of winter. I had to get out of there fast, or I would have froze to death. I went and stayed at my brother’s house while I contacted an emergency HVAC technician to come out and repair my furnace in the bitter cold. I ended up liking my brother’s place better than my own because he has a much nicer heating and cooling system and as a result his place was much warmer. He has a nice electric furnace that I prefer over my oil furnace. After a two day stay, I could return home now that my heater was fixed. It was great to return home again and have the heat. No more worrying about freezing to death. Ever since that happened I have signed up for a HVAC service plan with the heating and a/c business near me and made sure to get all the necessary work and tune-ups done to my heater before the winter. I’m so glad I did, as it has saved me a lot of worry.

HVAC professional