Glad I got the right thermostat

Finding the right thermostat a was time-consuming thing for me.

I am not great at making decisions as it is, but choosing which thermostat I wanted for my home was by far the most time-consuming thing that I have done in a long time.

It really should not have taken me that long to figure out which thermostat I wanted, but I wanted to make sure that I got the best thermostat for me. I had tried out a smart thermostat and I ended up returning it because I didn’t care for it. It sort of glitched or something, and it frustrated me, so I decided to go with more of a traditional thermostat. I am happy that I did because the thermostat that I got is a lot easier to use than the smart thermostat that I first tried. I am not that tech-savvy, so it is better for me to go with the less complicated option. I definitely hoped that I would like the smart thermostat because it looked cool, and I loved that I could control the temperature of my home even when I wasn’t home, but it just was too much for me. I definitely do love the dial thermostat that I ended up choosing though. In the end, it took me over a month to choose which thermostat that I wanted. It is sort of insane how long it took me, but at least I have a thermostat that I love now, hopefully, I won’t have to choose another new thermostat ever again because that was just too much work.
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