Our hotel room had a broken air conditioner

My fiance plus I went to visit her sibling.

Since she lives about 2 hours away from our home, both of us usually rent a hotel room for the night.

My fiance booked us a charming suite at a bed plus supper overlooking the cove; I was excited to spend the night by the water, however we left our current home early in the day, plus both of us arrived at the location around eight. I moved us into the room and the clerk did not say anything to me about the AC. We unpacked our bags plus turned on the AC. I didn’t bother to make sure there was cool air, because both of us were in a hurry to get over to Cara’s house quickly. She was making supper plus it was our number one food. We hung out plus talked for several hours before both of us went back to our room at the inn, then both of us were exhausted after a long day of traveling plus visiting, so neither of us were ecstatic when both of us found out that the A/C was not finally working. It was genuinely moderate plus humid in our room. I instantly called the front desk to complain. The clerk told me that the room both of us rented should not have been available because of the A/C issues. It was rented to us by mistake… He told us that both of us had to transfer to an unusual room if both of us wanted cool air for the night. I was mad, frustrated, plus miserable. We couldn’t sleep without AC, so both of us had to transfer to an unusual room at several hours before midnight.

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