The new meds are making me feel very warm at night

The doctor prescribed some meds to help with my chronic pain.

  • I was in a car accident several years ago and I had to spend six months in rehab.

My leg was shattered in the accident and I had to learn how to walk again. It was the hardest time of my life. I saw dozens of doctors and specialists and I spent a hundred thousand dollars to recover from the accident and the surgery. The pain is still there every night. It is worse when I get ready to go to bed. A new doctor prescribed some different meds last week. The meds have helped with the pain, but they make me feel very warm at night. It feels like I am having hot flashes. I’ve been forced to adjust the thermostat every single night. I’ve been keeping the internal temperature around 70 degrees, but last night I was extremely hot. Last night, I set the temperature to 68 degrees and I was still hot and uncomfortable throughout the whole night. My hubby is very aggravated, because he can’t stand the cold air. He has been sleeping on the couch in his office downstairs in the basement. I wish he would sleep in the bed next to me, but I understand that he isn’t sleeping well. The doctor told me that the side effects will only last a week or two and then my body will be able to regulate the temperature. I really hope that is the truth, otherwise the two of us are going to spend a fortune on our monthly cooling bills.


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