Everyone loves a little cuddling. (The furnace broke)

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a day of love.

  • It involves romance that makes everyone who doesn’t have someone to love, depressed.

All of my friends had significant others. I was the only one in our group who didn’t have anyone. When they planned on having a Valentine’s Day party, I turned down the invitation. I didn’t want to be the only one there that didn’t have a plus one. They told me that I could bring my sister if I wanted, but I had to be there. I was afraid this was going to be another set-up, which I didn’t want. I called my best friend, LInda, and asked if she wanted to go to a party with me. I explained about the party and how I thought I was being set up. Since she didn’t have a date either, she went with me. When we got there, I found out that there wasn’t a set-up, except for the furnace. They had been having trouble with the furnace in their apartment. They didn’t want to spend the money to call the HVAC company so they wanted me to do the work. They knew I was an HVAC technician, so she didn’t want to call me while I was working. This was her way to get a free furnace repair. Linda and I stuck around for the party and we were having a really good time. At the end of the evening she turned to me and said it was a shame the furnace hadn’t broken. Everyone loves a little cuddling. She gave me a hug, and I couldn’t let go..

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