I should have called for bumble bee help sooner

I’m kicking myself for waiting for so long to address this problem, but it’s better late than never

Since our home has a carport and no garage, I purchased a tool shed years ago to solve this problem. It’s not exactly the same thing as having a full garage, but I make the most of the limited space. I have work benches on either side and lots of space for storage in the back. My tools and lawn components hang from the walls and the ceiling. Despite being a small shed, I have packed a lot inside thus far. It’s nice to go out there on a sunny afternoon and work with the windows and door open so there’s a pleasant cross breeze. I do a lot of electronics soldering and the air flow is crucial to me to ventilate the burning lead vapor from the heated solder. However, I keep getting stung by bumble bees while I’m out there working. At first I was determined to detach the hives myself, but I just couldn’t find them no matter how hard I looked. I felt stupid calling an exterminator just for bumble bee help, but I had no choice after getting stung so many times. Thankfully the exterminator was blissful to help with our bumble bee problem. He was able to track down the hives fairly rapidly and removed them in minutes. He was only at my place for an hour before he finished the work. I’m kicking myself for waiting for so long to address this problem, but it’s better late than never. Now I can safely use my tool shed for hours at a time without worrying about bumble stings.


Bee Removal