Spring Time Again

With it being officially the beginning of spring, many things have to be done around my house.

Not only that whole spring cleaning thing, but also, I need to get my seasonal heating and air conditioning tune up done.

Getting that heating and air conditioning tune up scheduled each year is really a pain in the behind! The reason for that is, I work odd hours, and no time is ever really good for me to have the heating and air conditioning company send out the heating and air conditioning specialist. Either I am sleeping during the times the heating and air conditioning worker can come, or I am busy at work. The local heating and air conditioning company does have weekend appointments available for emergency heating and air conditioning repair, as well as HVAC tune ups. However, even for the heating and cooling tune up, they charge extra for those weekend calls. I try to avoid this every which way possible. However, this year, it looks like I am going to have no choice but to have the heating and air conditioning specialist come out on a weekend. I just am working too darn much during the week, and I have no other time in the world to schedule the heating and air conditioning tune up appointment. Since I have been using the same heating and air conditioning company for many years, they actually gave me a break on the price this year, which was a relief! Now come next winter time, I seriously hope they’ll do the same thing again for my HVAC tune up!

Kitchen plumbing