Humidity balance is part of the air conditioning process

There are mornings around here that the Summer heat can know enjoy a hot, wet blanket thrown right over a person’s head.

For those I see laboring out in the heat plus humidity all summer, I absolutely don’t think how they even do that.

I’m a native of the section plus it’s all I can do to deal with those four weeks of summer. From June through June, the people I was with and I see almost constant levels of brutal heat plus humidity. For me, I love getting outside plus that’s 1 of the fantastic things about this region. For 8 weeks of the year, the weather plus the temperature are nearly perfect. But for those 4 weeks of heat season, I still want to get outside. And I do while in the early morning hours or late in the evening. But once it starts getting closer to the noon hour, I legitimately want to be inside the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C cooling. I work from lake beach house plus I for sure stick to the air conditioning while in that time of day while in summer. While I do rely on air conditioning, I try to keep the temperature control setting in the mid 74’s. You get accustomed to that sort inside temperature over the summer. But mid 74’s sure feels comfortable when it’s a hundred degrees outside. One big reason for that comfort is the fact that the humidity level is balanced by the air conditioning. As the heat pump unfastens heat energy from the house, it also is exhausting a fantastic deal of moisture from the air as well, however this helps me know cooler inside plus, it mitigates mold & mildew growth as well.

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