Setting the Smart Thermostat to 70 F Today for Easter

We are going to have a lot of people over for Easter dinner so we want to make sure the air conditioning is set low enough to keep the place cool while they are here visiting.

  • It’s not a big house and with all of those people here the place could get quite hot inside.

Today is a hot day too which also adds to the cooling problem but we have a good HVAC system and it shouldn’t be a problem. My mom had a new unit installed in her house about two years ago and she got one of the best ones on the market. It is so much hotter here than where I live overseas and I can feel my body is using a lot of energy for cooling myself down when I go outside. My heart rate is much higher than normal just walking around in this heat. Yesterday I played beach volleyball for a few hours but we were very lucky because there was a large tree which offered shade so we stayed cool and comfortable most of the time. As soon as the shade went away though I could feel my body heating up very quickly, so every 20 minutes or so I would take a dip in the sea to cool off again. When I got home I took a cold shower and cranked the smart thermostat down to 70 F at my cousin’s house where I am staying. She has a new HVAC system too and it cools the house down in about 10 minutes.

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