Great AC and a great book

There is nothing better than walking into a great bookstore or library, sitting down in one of their well-stuffed chairs, and having the pick of all of the books to read.

  • I know that makes me sound like a nerd, but what can I say? That is exactly who and what I am.

I have been reading since I was four and I haven’t yet got my fill of it. I have found myself cozying up in one of their chairs, grabbing a good book and falling to sleep. Now that is really nerdy. I especially love going in where there are books, on those hot and incredibly humid days. They always have such wonderful air conditioning. You walk in from the suppressing heat and you are greeted with this deliciously cool air of the air conditioning. What could make it any better? Of course, I could always grab the book and go home to read, which is something I also do. I have amazing air conditioning in my home. I couldn’t handle being at home in the summer, without my air conditioning. It is even nicer to be able to cozy down on my sofa, pull an afghan over my legs and read my books. I’ve spent many a night sleeping on the sofa and dreaming about the book I am reading. It doesn’t hurt that I have a HVAC system that can keep me cool and comfortable all night long. A great book, a great air conditioning unit, and a comfortable place to relax, is what I consider an ideal afternoon.


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