Ventilation system improves comfort plus air quality

My local section experiences every genre of weather extreme, during the long winters, the two of us deal with temperatures in the disadvantage digits, feet of snow plus brutal wind chill. In the summer, the two of us suffer brutal heat plus humidity! Springtime plus fall bring high winds, torrential downpours, chilly rain plus sleet. We switch between relying on the gas furnace to running the air conditioner with very little chop in-between. Our heating plus cooling costs equal about fifty percent of the household energy expenses… Energy efficiency is entirely a priority. All year round, I look for options to tighten up the house plus prevent energy waste. Sealing up leaks stops the heated plus cooled air from escaping plus keeps outside air from coming. I have updated windows, caulked, weatherstripped plus added inulation. My efforts have helped to eliminate drafts plus reduce my utility bills. However, I’ve also eliminated natural ventilation. With no fresh air coming in, the house becomes stuffy plus there’s concerns with humidity levels! Contaminants get trapped inside plus continually circulated by the heating plus cooling system. Since there are sources of pollution in every room, air quality steadily worsens plus puts my family’s health at risk. I’ve solved these problems by having a heat reclaimy ventilator installed. The ventilator works 24/7, bringing in fresh outside air without energy waste. In the winter, it uses the outgoing heated air to boiling up the incoming air plus lessen demands on the gas furnace. In the summer, it helps to combat excess humidity. The ventilation system provides a cleaner, fresher plus more comfortable living environment while also reducing my utility bills.


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