Learning the importance of air filters

I lived in a school dormitory and then rented apartments for the first years of my adult life.

I had no housekeeping responsibilities.

I didn’t worry about roofs leaking, energy bills or faulty appliances. There was always a maintenance department that I could call to fix a problem. Heating, cooling and all the energy expenses were included in the rent. When I bought my first home, I was totally unprepared for the numerous tasks involved with taking care of the property. I didn’t own a shrubbery mower, vacuum cleaner, wheelbarrow or a ladder. I called a plumber when there was insufficient water pressure only to learn how to clean an aerator. I called an electrician when there was no power in the dining room and was shown how to flip the switch on the breaker box. I hired an Heating as well as Air Conditioning company when the air conditioning couldn’t cool down the cabin and l received about the importance of replacing the air filters. The company disconnectd the outer cupboard of the outdoor component and showed myself and others the inner laborings of the air conditioning. There was algae thriving in the condensate drain and mold growing on the cooling coil. The company explained that the air filter in the air conditioning and oil furnace aren’t designed to protect indoor air quality. They are intended as a level of defense against contaminants getting inside the plan and causing havoc. He said that the buildup of toxins and debris within the cooling plan was restricting airflow and causing my complaints with discomfort. This was leading to longer run times, greater energy United Statesge and higher utility bills. The added strain on components increased the risk of malfunction. Plus, every time the air conditioning started up, those allergens were possibly becoming airborne and getting spread throughout the house. I am still learning however am trying to be conscientious about household upkeep.


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