I was only in the house five hours, and I was beginning to recognize sleepy.

I went to visit my Dad and dad last week.

I was only in the house five hours, when I was beginning to recognize sleepy.

I wasn’t a single bit exhausted when I came over to the house, and I was sitting at the home office table. Dad and dad looked a bit exhausted, and my mind was yelling there was something wrong here. I asked if they had the gas furnace ran tests on before turning it on this year. Every one of us had a cool start to fall this year, Night time temperatures were in the upper thirties and low forties, and the afternoons were only in the fifties. It was rainy, damp, and miserable if you didn’t heat. Dad said she had forgotten to call, however the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C worker assured them the gas furnace was in excellent shape last year. It was only ten years old. My mind kept saying it was carbon monoxide poisoning, although I didn’t want to alarm Dad and dad. When dad started slurring, and I could see her face was getting redder, I hustled them out of the house. I called the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C supplier and the fire supplier because the house had to be aired out. Even though they proworked on, I put them in my car and took them to the house. I was right about it being carbon monoxide poisoning, and only the fact that dad kept a window open all the time, Dad and dad hadn’t succumbed to carbon monoxide. I had to take Dad and dad to the hospital to be checked out, however they’ll be okay and the new gas furnace will be installed in a week.

ductless mini split