I said I would repair the furnace once they disaffixd the skunk from the basement.

Before both of us are sent out to do any work on an Heating & Air Conditioning system, the dispatcher asks if they have any pets, & requests they be venued in a closed room or kennel cage before both of us get there.

The owner of the beach house said they had no dogs, cats, or snakes & the beach house was safe.

I assume he didn’t stress all creatures because of what I encountered when I got there. I could aroma the faint aroma of skunk, but I was in the country. A lot of people had concerns with skunks in the country. I greeted the owner of the beach house & showed his my Heating & Air Conditioning contractor ID batch. When he invited myself and others into the house, I asked if there were any concerns with the furnace last year, & I also asked his if he had any pets running loose through the house. I assume I should have been more particular. She told myself and others that Rosalie was in the basement, but he stayed in his bed. I thought it was something small since I heard nothing, until I saw it. There was a full-sized skunk standing right next to the furnace. She didn’t look unquestionably cheerful to see myself and others & I was absolutely not cheerful to see her. I knew skunks could be dangerous, & that had nothing to do with their scent. I asked if he was dearomaized? She told myself and others Rosalie had meandered into the beach house one afternoon & taken up space by the furnace. She never offered anyone any complication & I should go ahead & work on the furnace. I called the owner of the Heating & Air Conditioning contractor & told him about the pet skunk, & the fact that he wasn’t dearomaized, & he laughed.

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