The mall was freezing cold

I love to go shopping at the mall, normally I have something that I’ll do once a week if I can.

In the summer they run the air conditioning systems to keep them all nice and cool because nobody wants to be outside in that blistering heat.

However when I went to the mall last Sunday it was much colder than it normally was. It was so cold actually that it was hard for me to shop. I had been walking around going from store to store and it was so cold that I was shivering. It must have been at least 60 degrees there! I found an employee and I asked him why it was so cold and they said they were having trouble with the thermostat and that the air conditioning system was cooling much lower than what it was supposed to. This must have been true because over the hour that I was there it got even colder. It was a good thing that I had brought a jacket. I just happened to decide to take one with me, which is really fortunate because normally I would never think of doing that in the middle of the summer! By the time I left it was 50 degrees inside the mall and I was eager to get out of the cold and back into the warm. I was eager to get back home, because if I didn’t get back home and get into my nice and cool air I would go from one extreme to the other.

Heating and air conditioning