Old world estate furniture was lovely and practical.

I remembered staying at my grandparents’ house on the weekends.

They had the most beautiful furniture.

I remember how I would reverently touch the furniture and pretend I was a princess in a castle. I now know the furniture was what is now called Old world estate furniture. It’s luxurious natural wood and materials, and beautiful coloring of nature creates a feeling of being in an elegant mansion. I learned about the Old World estate during one of my art and design classes. They said they built the furniture to last and still be comfortable. Old world estate furniture draws its inspiration from traditional Spanish, Italian, and Middle Eastern designs. It takes styles that come from Mexico and Latin America. Old world furniture is well-worn and comfortable. The colors and materials add to the feel of homeliness while still maintaining elegance. When my grandmother passed away, my grandfather remembered how I would walk around the house like a princess and call him the ogre because he always worked in the basement. He told me most of his furniture was his grandfather’s and told me that whatever I wanted; he wanted me to make a list. He even offered me the bed I slept in when I was a child, and told me to take all the furniture in that room for my daughter. I wrote I wanted everything, including him, if he wanted to live with us. He gave me his home, and we moved in with him. My husband loved the home from the first time I took him to visit, and since he had no grandparents, mine became his. The old world estate furniture was just a little plus in the deal.


Wood furniture