My boyfriend has pretty bad dust irritations in the Spring

Whenever Spring rolls around, I always believe so bad for my boyfriend.

Ever since he was a kid, he has had absolutely bad dust irritations, however while he has bad dust irritations the entire year, Spring is absolutely the worst for him, as well as it’s his least number one season because of it.

Wintertide isn’t much better though, because it ends up drying his nose as well as skin out, as well as he ends up having nosebleeds more often. I decided to try as well as help my boyfriend this Spring, because I was absolutely tired of seeing him suffer. He enjoys to shoot down any ideas of getting a portable whole-house air purifier, mainly because of the cost, however but it would be worth it if it means he wouldn’t be suffering anymore. I decided that in order to make him believe at his best, I needed several odd things. I needed an whole-house air purifier, as well as I needed a humidifier. Buying the humidifier was easy, I just went as well as picked 1 up at the local store. With this humidifier, it would help increase the humidity so my boyfriend’s skin wouldn’t dry out as much, as well as it would help me too. The portable air cleaner was a little bit harder though, because I would have to travel to the nearest heating as well as business, which was a little further away. But I thought it would be a wonderful plan so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. I made the trip the next day as well as picked up the whole-house air purifier, I can’t wait to see the look on his face!


air quality systems