Gambled on our HVAC comfort

Thankfully we are through the heat season of summer.

It’s November so all that air conditioning is firmly in the rearview mirror. The heat and humidity here are just intense and they last for four straight months. There’s no way around the summer heat when you live here unless you have a vacation home up north somewhere. For me and everybody else, we rely on good residential HVAC for the HVAC cooling that helps us manage the heat. There is no doubt, the heat can get really overwhelming. But this coming summer, we’re going to go into that heat season with a new heat pump thanks to the HVAC professionals at HVAC company. But it was the same HVAC professionals that warned me early last spring that the heat pump was on his last legs. But given what I know about that heat here and the load it puts on the HVAC equipment, I still rolled the dice to see if we could get the heat pump through one more year. We thought we could get one more summer out of the HVAC unit. But that’s not the way it worked out as the heat pump died just at the end of summer. Still we got close and were able to save up for the replacement so we didn’t have to do the financing. That was worth the gamble I suppose although we did have to do without air conditioning for nearly two weeks. We don’t need all that much HVAC heating around here. But I have to say that I’m eager to see the new smart thermostat switch over to heating.


air conditioner tune-up