Who bought that different-looking space heater?

I walked into the home the other day, plus there was an odd-looking thing sitting in our home office. It kind of resembled a space heater, however it was enjoy nothing I had ever seen before. It was boxy plus had a black mirrored object sitting on top. If I didn’t guess better, I would have thought it was solar powered, however who ever heard of a solar powered space heater? You couldn’t get the sun to shine in the home plus power it up. I chuckled at the absurdity of a solar powered space heating system plus pushed it out of our way so I could bring the rest of the groceries into the house. Later that afternoon, our husband asked what I had done with the space heater. I told him it was in the closet, plus he got upset. He said there was no way the space heating system was going to power up if it wasn’t out in the daylight. He had it sitting right under the skylight to see how long it would take until the space heating system was fully charged. I thought it was far-fetched, but I wasn’t the inventor. Two nights later, he told myself and others the space heating system was fully charged. He turned it on, plus it worked well. The only problem was that it only worked for an minute, then maybe he needed more batteries plus should charge them over the summer time instead of waiting until Winter when there weren’t nearly as several minutes of sunshine. He told myself and others I did not understand what he was trying to do. He picked up the space heating system plus said he was going back to work.

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