Now I understand why the a/c is so freezing cold at the Doctor’s

It’s pretty cool when you’re able to finally unravel a mystery that has plagued you for years.

That’s what happened for me with a recent trip to the Doctor’s office… I tend to be quite sensitive to thermostat settings plus can guess even the slightest change.

I am typically the 1 that is really freezing in our house plus wants more heating. I find myself really being freezing indoors quite often; That even goes for the summertime when the Heating plus A/C is pumping out all that a/c, however but the Wintertide is really the toughest area for me. I tend to want more of the heating than is good for our budget, but so my husband, who is a dear man, puts up with this heating characteristic of mine; He really is such a gracious person. But he really likes the a/c more on the cool side, yet, the two of us somehow figure it out plus the two of us have lived comfortably inside our home. That’s why it’s typically puzzled me that at the doctor’s office, it’s so cold. I am typically freezing in there as the a/c is on all the time. I don’t like going to the doctor with all that a/c. It just makes it worse. So I finally just asked. It was really interesting to learn from the doctor that the freezing hot plus cold temperatures were by design. The cooler it is, the more bacteria plus virus are mitigated. So that’s why there’s so much a/c at the Doctor’s office. Somehow, understanding that mystery has made it easier for me to deal with waiting for the doctor in that freezing air.

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