Not looking forward to a hunting trip

I watched as my dad turned the calendar on the wall over to the next month and there it was, circled, my dad smiling and turning his head to me. He says this is the day you become a real man. I know there is no pleading with him as recently I was kicking around the whole idea of being a vegan. I think I will disappoint him if I tell him and then he stretches out to give me a dap as I hid my thoughts and offered him the return dap he wanted. His hands were so sweaty and undoubtedly hot. He has this very bizarre thing to put his hands as close as possible to the gas heating equipment. I think if he could he’d put them in a volcano. We had radiant floors installed as well. I remember the day he had those installed. He was asking the heating equipment provider what else he could do. I genuinely still don’t understand this man. There is one thing that is beyond a shadow of a doubt. I can’t tell him if I leave my window open a crack during the evening or he’d absolutely punish me. I know where he wants to go for the hunt and it will be a hike for real. He ordered all the essentials online for me to go along with him. I never fired a gun before so he cleaned off his outdated rifle and diagnosed it to be certain it’s still in particularly working order. I know I’m not looking forward to this but what am I supposed to do? I have to tell him soon or I am going to regret this beyond the shadow of a doubt.


cooling expert