The hardest thing I have ever seen my Grandfather have to do was sell his home

After fifty five years of marriage, raising four children, and watching his grandchildren play in his yard, my grandfather had to make the hard choice and sell his home.

  • My grandmother passed almost three years ago and the house was really too much for him to keep up with on his own.

Additionally, everything in the house reminded him just how much he missed her. I really don’t blame him for being upset because they have lived in the house ever since they were married and it held so much of their memories. We try to remind him of all the positive things that will come with living in an apartment like the fact that he will no longer need to perform home maintenance jobs. His cost of living will decrease significantly and he won’t even have to change the filters on his HVAC unit. He says that he doesn’t really mind taking care of the house but it will be nice to go fishing instead of worrying about the house. The new apartment that he will be living in has a state of the art HVAC system that is monitored by an outside service. Because the units are programed via wifi, grandpa doesn’t even have to be home for them to know if there is an issue. When we explained that to him he simply looked stunned. New technology amazes him as he recalls a time when most homes didn’t even have a working furnace. Many of his neighbors growing up depended on fireplaces to keep warm and open windows to try and cool off.

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