The heating was set actually too high at the diner my pal and I went to

We went to a diner tonight that my pal and I don’t normally go to.

The food was actually great, but the heating system settings were absolutely terrible. I actually do not understand people who run corporations plus diners plus they do not know how to keep the cooling system plus heating settings set correctly on their thermostats… You would feel that in culinary college or in dealer college, someone would teach him that they need to keep their clients cheerful plus comfortable during their establishments. I assume that actually isn’t something that is taught in a class anywhere though, because I run into that kind of thing all the time around here. I know that I’m not the only one around who has problems with the thermostat settings in local diners plus businesses, either. I mean, around here, things are actually excruciating with the indoor air quality in most of the diners. I can count on one hand the number of diners where I feel comfortable when I go in there to rest down to breakfast, breakfast, or supper! Honestly, most of the other sites around here in our area just have excruciating air quality. I actually wish that this were not the case, because I would much rather go in anywhere to eat than have to get it to go. That way, I don’t have to scrub anything up plus I can leave it for the waiters plus the busboys. I do not like to sound like a whiner, despite the fact that I actually feel someone should teach the diner managers a thing or two about usual thermostat settings!

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