Garage extension comes with air conditioning

Taking this project to the next level meant either going for it or continue with this as a passionate hobby.

I chose going deep and I even quit my day job.

I’m an engineer by trade and have spent more than a decade inside the zone controlled HVAC of a fancy design firm. It was a great place to hone my skill and really find my calling and speciality. But climbing the corporate ladder was not at all the thing I was thinking of doing. No, that’s not at all the reason I became an engineer. An office with it’s own thermostat wasn’t all that appealing. I’m too creative to ever be that sort of manager. And thankfully, my wife is lending her skills when it comes to managing this new business. We put our money where our mouth is when we expanded our garage to allow for more space to do my thing. But the HVAC company just made this space even better. I basically knocked the back wall of my garage out and added on three times the space and a bit more height. It’s quite the space and will allow me to scale up at minimum costs before whatever the next step is. So the HVAC professionals showed up and put in some central air conditioning. Basically, they ran this great big ductwork tube down the middle of the new building. There are short vents with air ducts on the end that come off the main tube. It’s awesome because we really only need air conditioning and this will be perfect. It all feels so next level that it makes me really excited and not quite as terrified.


a/c set up