It’s a good thing I can use the A/C with my solar power

Whenever I moved out to the woods to try & live off the grid, I knew for a fact that I would not be able to make it without air conditioner.

I enjoy my air conditioner while in the summer, & the weather around here gets so sizzling that there is just no way that I could live without it.

I mean, I’m tough, but I’m not that tough! I am absolutely not ashamed to admit the fact that I just cannot live without central air conditioner. It’s just one of those things that I know that I need in order to survive comfortably. I hate being too sizzling & when you are residing off the grid away from everyone, you absolutely have to allow yourself a particular amount of creature comforts in order to be able to stay out in the middle of nowhere. That is what I have figured out over the years, anyway. You can’t just go out there & act all willy nilly & never provide yourself a split on anything. I mean, I don’t have access to online ordering or the library or even a liquor store, so I feel like I owe myself some air conditioner in my house, at least! That’s just the way I feel about it. I was so happy when I realized that I could run the A/C with solar power out here. It was a real game changer for me! At this point, I am starting to feel like I might be able to stay out here for the rest of my life & be happy with that!


Quality air conditioning