Marketing for Valentine’s Day for my Heating and Air Conditioning business

When I went to college I wanted to go and learn something that allowed me to keep my creative side… After taking some introductory courses my freshman year I found that graduating with a advertising major would benefit me since a lot of dealers need advertising.

After college I landed a job with a local Heating and Air Conditioning business in my hometown to do advertising for them, but it is absolutely a absolutely fun job even though some people think that Heating and Air Conditioning sounds absolutely boring and too technical, but within a year of working with the Heating and Air Conditioning business I have learned a lot.

I have learned that there are many different kinds of Heating and Air Conditioning systems. There are different Heating and Air Conditioning systems that relate to the region that you live in. It’s pressing that as a advertising major you understand the industry that you labor in so when you’re advertising it’s easy for you to take that comprehension and apply it to Heating and Air Conditioning advertising materials. With every holiday the advertising team tries to come up with something entirely clever. In past years the business never did anything during Valentine’s Day. I decided to come up with something stating that: “the traditional way to celebrate Valentine’s Day is to supply your significant other flowers and chocolates however my fantastic friend and I want to approach you with a different gift idea that doesn’t inspire romance, however it brings peace of mind.” Ok so it may not have been the greatest saying that I have ever come up with however it was beginning to portraying the membership that my fantastic friend and I offer and the warranties that cover the Heating and Air Conditioning system that my fantastic friend and I provide.

a/c serviceman